Free Period Tracker : Track Your Menstrual Cycle Easily

Did you know that a menstrual calendar can transform your cycle management? Whether you're tracking your period, pinpointing ovulation, or anticipating premenstrual symptoms, the right calendar is essential. And the best part? You can access a free period calendar right now. This article will guide you through how to get the most out of it!

1. Why use a menstrual tracker ?

  • Accurate period tracking.
  • Anticipation of premenstrual symptoms.
  • Tool to better understand your body.
  • Tracking and identifying your ovulation date
  • Useful for planning activities or trips.

2. The advantages of a free menstrual period tracker

  • Economy: No need to invest in paid apps.
  • Accessibility: Compatible with any device (paper, digital).
  • Simplicity: Suitable for everyone, no training required.

3. How to download and use your free period calendar

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Once downloaded, you can print it for ease.

2. Choose the cycle signs to follow:

Cycle indicators that we recommend you follow:

  • Period : Heavy, light, or average? You can choose a color for each flow level.
  • Premenstrual symptoms : Cramps, headaches, bloating, fatigue, mood swings, acne/skin problems, white discharge, spotting etc.
  • Libido : What level of desire do you feel from 1 to 10?
  • Sleep : Did you sleep well and how many hours?
  • Stress : Do you feel stressed?
  • Emotions : How are you feeling?
  • Energy : What is your energy level?
  • Caffeine / Inflammatory diet  

Choose the indicators that are relevant to you, as well as a symbol or color to fill your calendar. Fill in the legend at the bottom right to remind yourself each day.

3. Follow-up routine:

We recommend tracking for a minimum of 3 months. This is the minimum timeframe that allows you to discover repeating patterns and thus decode the signals sent by your body. It's best to do this for as long as possible. The cycle tracker is a powerful tool that can be used at different stages of life, put aside, and then resumed as your body changes.

To keep track, we recommend taking 2-3 minutes a day to record your feelings, pain, emotions, physical symptoms, and anything else that seems relevant to you in your menstrual tracker. This can be done in the morning when you wake up or in the evening before going to bed. It's up to you to choose the cycle tracking routine that works best for you.

4. What are the signs to watch for in your cycle?

  • Length of your cycle, its evolution and number of days of period
  • Ovulation symptoms: temperature, cervical mucus.
  • Cycle variations to note.
  • Consult a professional in case of irregularities.

5. Digital alternatives to the paper menstrual tracker

  • Popular apps (eg. Clue, Flo, etc.).
  • Tools integrated into smartwatches.

Adopting a free menstrual period tracker is a simple but powerful step to better understand your body. There are so many things to discover by following your cycle :-)

Download yours today and start tracking your cycle with ease and confidence.